Kindness: A Secret Super Power!
/Superheroes like SuperCaptainBraveMan have extraordinary abilities! They can jump high, fly amongst birds, and lift the heaviest objects. But what if we told you that a secret Super Power exists in everyone? It's a simple power that all kids have and can use to save any day. Of course, we're talking about the Super Power of Kindness! While being Kind is an innate action, it is important to remind ourselves now and then to lead with Kindness.
Why is Kindness so important?
Fostering Kindness early in life is vital in raising empathetic and compassionate children. "Kindness helps children's mental health, their resilience, as well as their peak performance," educational psychologist and author of Thrivers: The Surprising Reasons Why Some Kids Struggle and Some Kids Shine, Michele Borba states. "Practicing empathy helps a child develop a kindness mindset. They say, 'I see myself as a kind person,' and then they're more likely to keep doing it."
What is the best way to encourage a Kindness Mindset?
Reading books with your child is a fantastic way to promote their Super Power of Kindness. Reading quality stories to children and analyzing character emotions in real-time can help foster empathy cognition. A simple question of, "What do you think this character is feeling right now?" promotes critical thinking and can develop empathetic thoughts that segue into leading with Kindness.
How can I create a kind environment?
The best way to create and maintain a kind environment is by example! Parents and caretakers are often a child's first teachers. Children can learn to lead with Kindness by employing empathy and compassion in daily interactions.
Another way is to validate a child's emotions. Even during a child's frustration or anger, an excellent method to steer back to Kindness is to talk your child through their frustration. "They also learn a key lesson," Borba says. "Compassion in action is one of the best ways to help another and yourself."
Kindness is a Super Power everyone possesses, and it can assemble bonds, leaders, and lessons essential to creating a better world. Children can share Kindness in so many different ways. Equipping them with healthy and positive Kindness Mindsets can help propel their confidence.
Share your Super Power of Kindness at every opportunity!
We found Michele Borba's book, Thrivers: The Surprising Reasons Why Some Kids Struggle and Some Kids Shine, a great resource.
SuperCaptainBraveMan Books are great stories to kick off conversations about Kindness! Check out our bundles by clicking the link!