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Mural Art with a heartbeat 💗
A Superhero for children facing disabilities

“Children arriving to face these personal challenges need visual inspiration.” – Pidge Jobst, Muralist
SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA – Muralist paints building wraparound carrying a heartfelt message.
Muralist Pidge Jobst paints a mural high up on a 30 ft. ladder above the outside parking lot entranceway to the O&P In Motion building that runs the length of 74 ft., located at 18913 Sherman Way, in Reseda, California. O&P In Motion is an orthotics and prosthetics company that designs and manufactures custom braces and protective super gear for children. This includes custom-fashioning body casts for children with foot and joint orthosis, which aid in the support and realignment of spine anomalies like muscular sclerosis, kyphosis, and other early childhood bone-debilitating challenges. Jobst feels close to the project because of his former time spent in sports medicine ORs as a medical illustrator, where he rendered detailed drawings of surgical techniques and medical devices used by orthopedic surgeons. “The smaller draped surgical field in the operating room wasn’t a big enough canvas for my art,” Jobst says. “I’ve always preferred painting on large canvases. Painting murals on walls was a natural progression.” While painting the walls of the building outside, knowing there is a caring O&P medical team and staff on the inside aiding children with disabilities makes me feel at home. “Children arriving to face these personal challenges need visual inspiration, and that’s what’s being painted on these exterior walls. The murals have a purpose and a heartbeat,” added Jobst.
Jobst swipes a broad stroke of neon red paint across the hero uniform of SuperCaptainBraveMan, the main character from The Adventures of SuperCaptainBraveMan children’s book series developed by Jennifer Norman and Paul Norman, whose son Kyle is both the inspiration for the stories as well as a client of O&P In Motion. Heroic depictions of diverse kids wearing various orthotics and prosthetics now cover all four exterior walls for a vibrant total mural wraparound of the O&P In Motion clinic.
About the Company, O&P in Motion
Company owner Phillip P. Ambroset sits near an illuminated lightbox, peering at a child’s leg and foot medical x-ray, while configuring vector points on his 3D modeling CAD system for best bracing and casting solutions. His daughter, Anais Ambroset, asks the child for their favorite cartoon character, so the staff can incorporate the visual on the cast that the child may wear for weeks. O&P In Motion is a family-owned and operated pediatrics orthotics and prosthetics company that makes high quality customized bracing for children such as cranial helmets, scoliosis, and kyphosis realignment bracing solutions, as well as leg and joint braces. “My father has a strong passion for helping kids in need. He genuinely cares wholeheartedly about each and every patient he treats.” Phillip Ambroset graduated as a C.P.O.ch from the school of E.P.S.I.C.–Lausanne, Switzerland in 1982 and has been an ABC-Certified Prosthetic Orthotics practitioner since 1997.
O&P website: https://opinmotion.com
About the Storybook Authors
Jennifer Norman introduced the first book in The Adventures of SuperCaptainBraveMan series in 2017, on her son Kyle’s 10th birthday. “O&P In Motion has been crafting ‘super gear’ for kids in the Los Angeles area for 31 years, including custom-fit orthotics for my son, Kyle. He has worn DAFO (Dynamic Ankle Foot Orthosis) leg braces made by Phil and his amazing team since he was a toddler,” says Norman. “Kyle lives with a rare genetic Mitochondrial Disease that impairs his overall energy levels. Yet, we have always been inspired by the courage and inner-strength Kyle shows. To us, he represents all the superheroes wrapped into one which is where the name ‘SuperCaptainBraveMan’ came from.” The Adventures of SuperCaptainBraveMan books feature caring concepts of diversity appreciation, disability awareness, acceptance, and friendship. They are award-winning universal favorites among parents, teachers, healthcare professionals, and brave kids who’ll soon grow up to lead the world with kindness and compassion. Each book tells the story of a unique human difference, whether it be physical or neurological, and the joy of understanding how our differences make us special.
SuperCaptainBraveman website: www.supercaptainbraveman.com
About the Designer (they/them)
Victor Lodevico is a Los Angeles-based author and digital artist who is the illustrator of The Adventures of SuperCaptainBraveMan book series. They have also written two YA/coming-of-age gay romance novels, The Memories That Break Our Fall and Take Me Along. Lodevico began a nursing career in 2009. The first assignment was caring for Kyle Norman (aka SuperCaptainBraveMan), who at the time was two years old. “Kyle’s parents, Jennifer and Paul, took notice of my drawings, and in 2015 approached me to develop a children’s book series with Kyle as its main character,” notes Lodevico. “Kyle’s tenacity and willingness to thrive is expressed so vibrantly despite being a boy who has lost the ability to speak for himself. His very existence teaches me so many valuable lessons. I no longer sweat the small stuff, and I eagerly enjoy life, because it is just so dang amazing to be alive.”
Jobst normally receives carte blanche in terms of subject matter and his paint splashes on walls. “Yet there are times a talented designer and illustrator like Victor is brought in who details the exact imagery desired for the process. Lodevico rendered such beautiful designs for all four exterior walls of this building in Reseda,” muralist Jobst adds. They were approved by the authors and building owner Ambroset, and then the character images were freehand-reproduced on the exterior building by Jobst.
SuperCaptainBraveMan on IdeateTV
Brianna Wheeler stopped by our booth at the Abilities Expo in Los Angeles to learn more about our mission and our books!
Brianna Wheeler interviews Jennifer Norman with Kyle Norman for IdeateTV at The Abilities Expo in Los Angeles
BABE BY HATCH: The Personal Story Behind SuperCaptainBraveman
"Raising a child with a disability compelled me to help others know how to act." In her chronically ill son, Jennifer Norman saw a superhero.
FORBES: How One Working Mom Is Creating Books About Inclusivity And Diversity Around Disability
Read the interview with author Jennifer Norman on the inspiration behind SuperCaptainBraveMan
Jennifer & Kyle Norman, Victor Lodevico & Mochi On Autism Live!
Check out our LIVE interview with Shannon and Nancy of Autism Live!
From left to right: Jennifer Norman, Kyle Norman, Victor Lodevico and Mochi
Camilla Cabello is a fan!
Smashing soloist Camilla Cabello (formerly of the group Fifth Harmony) strikes a colorful pose with her new SuperCaptainBraveMan book!
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Samuel L. Jackson is a fan!
Sam Jackson was kind enough to Instagram this picture of himself with co-author Paul Norman!
Supercaptainbraveman co-author PAUL NORMAN WITH Samuel l. jackson
Mahershala Ali is a fan!
We're so excited to that Academy Award Winner Mahershala Ali is a SuperCaptainBraveFan! He is best known for his incredible performances on Moonlight, House of Cards and Hidden Figures.
mahershala ali is touched by the message of supercaptainbraveman
Nicole Kidman is a fan!
We're delighted that the incredibly talented and world-famous Nicole Kidman is touched by the message of SuperCaptainBraveMan! Here she is smiling along with co-author Paul Norman.
Supercaptainbraveman co-author PAUL NORMAN WITH nicole kidman
Eiza González is a fan!
Lovely Eiza González is a Mexican actress and singer, best known for her portrayal of Santanico Pandemonium on the hit television show, From Dusk till Dawn: The Series.
SuperCaptainBraveMan co-author Paul Norman recently met up with Eiza and shared a copy of the debut book with her. Eiza was absolutely moved by the storybook and was happy to help spread the word!
Supercaptainbraveman co-author PAUL NORMAN WITH EIZA González