eBook - The Adventures of SuperCaptainBraveMan, Book 1: A Day at the Park (2nd Edition)

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SuperCaptainBraveMan Book1 iBook Cover (2nd Edition).png

eBook - The Adventures of SuperCaptainBraveMan, Book 1: A Day at the Park (2nd Edition)


Download a digital SuperCaptainBraveMan ebook to your computer or device! The EPUB format is compatible with Apple Books, Kindle, and most popular ebook readers.

Book Summary

Kyle is a young disabled boy who loves adventure. He uses a wheelchair during the day, but at night when Kyle dreams, he transforms into his alter ego, SuperCaptainBraveMan!

SuperCaptainBraveMan is a friend to all kids, helping them discover the courage and strength to become their own heroes.

In Book 1: A Day at the Park, SuperCaptainBraveMan helps Emily, a girl in a wheelchair, make new friends.

This ebook contains the Second Edition of this story with updated text and illustrations!

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ISBN # 978-0-9973162-2-3