eBook - The Adventures of SuperCaptainBraveMan, Book 3: Nurses are Amazing! (2nd Edition)

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SuperCaptainBraveMan Book3 Cover (2nd Edition).jpg

eBook - The Adventures of SuperCaptainBraveMan, Book 3: Nurses are Amazing! (2nd Edition)


Download a digital SuperCaptainBraveMan ebook to your computer or device! The EPUB format is compatible with Apple Books, Kindle, and most popular ebook readers.

Book Summary

Kyle is a young disabled boy who loves adventure. He uses a wheelchair during the day, but at night when Kyle dreams, he transforms into his alter ego, SuperCaptainBraveMan!

SuperCaptainBraveMan is a friend to all kids, helping them discover the courage and strength to become their own heroes.

In Book 3: Nurses Are Amazing!, SuperCaptainBraveMan travels to NurseVille with little girl Becky to discover all the wonderful things that nurses do.

This ebook contains the Second Edition of this story with updated text and illustrations!

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ISBN # 978-0-9973162-8-5